Find a Home Here.
101 Adell Circle Weatherford, TX 76088
Worship with us
Join us at 10am
As sons and daughters of God, fully given to life in the Spirit and devoted to the Living Word, we long to love and serve our community and make way for all to come to know Jesus.
Great things are happening here
What to Expect
We gather every Sunday to connect with each other and encounter God through worship, biblically-based teaching and prayer.
We believe when we come together as a church, both on Sunday and throughout the week, God will use us to change the world.
From the moment you pull into our campus, we want you to feel free to come as you are. You will be greeted by smiling faces, who are genuinely excited for you to be here.
Don’t worry about dressing to impress. We’d rather you just come as you are- whether you’re in jeans, khakis, a jacket or flannel, you’ll fit right in.
Before heading into service, stop by to grab a cup of coffee and some fresh fruit. The coffee station is located to the right of the Foyer.
A typical Sunday service lasts around an hour and a half. Our services consist of a time of worship and biblically-sound, relatable teachings, as well as an opportunity to receive ministry and prayer.
A Unified Mission
Our Ministries
Care Ministry
We would love to meet you
Come Join Us